Make Micro Changes This September
Make Micro Changes This September
September is a lovely month for getting back to a sense of routine and for implementing some new healthy habits. However, if you are anything like me usually by mid September all my resolutions and illusions of self betterment have fallen by the wayside and I am back to my normal bad habits!
In the past I would write long lists of all the changes I would endeavour to make at this time of year. Get fit, be healthy, create more, be more, do more… the list is always big and often vague so there is very little hope of actually sticking to any of them let alone seeing them through for a decent amount of time.
This year my attention has been caught by the much more manageable idea of micro changes. Choosing just one small positive change to implement at a time. The aim is to give it a few weeks to take hold, to make new strong nural pathways in the brain and repeat the new habit enough until it is slipped into the brain as a subconscious habit, like brushing ones teeth. Not a chore or a big thing to remember, just part of ones daily routine.
Then, once this habit is well set a few weeks later, another one can then be added and bit by bit we add in goodness, health and well-being into our lives.
Perhaps it’s drinking hot water and lemon each morning on waking, stretching for 5 minutes before starting the day, turning off the phone by 7, reading for 20 mins before bed, writing a diary, getting up 10 mins earlier, walking to work... Anything that improves the enjoyment of your day and the vitality of you life 🌟
Whatever change you want to make. Keep it simple and achievable. Write it down. Perhaps put it on a post it note on the fridge. Stick to it as best as you can without giving up if a day or so is missed. Less berating, less guilt.. Add in the goodness.
Mine is to make and drink one fresh juice a day for my family and I before heading off into our days.
What’s yours?
Z x