I choose joy, I choose love, I choose kindness
I choose joy, I choose love, I choose kindness
I have decided this is the mantra I would like to live my life by. I am going to repeat it to myself in the morning looking in the mirror after brushing my teeth and really really mean it. I’m going to repeat it when I am getting impatient and wanting to chastise my children or trying to judge or rush someone who is not acting in a way that works exactly how I would like..
Surely, these are pretty good morals or choices or ways of being to try and live by. What else matters? Be it to family, to friends, to yourself, to the world and our planet.. I choose joy, I choose love and I choose kindness.
This is not to say challenges and situations won’t affect me and knock me off my feet as the waves of life inevitably do but how I respond to these challenges, how I go out into the world or how I interact with others this will be what I am aiming for. Not necessarily how I will always manage to act but absolutely what I am aiming for.. falling, failing but gently picking myself up, dusting myself off and softly or fiercely trying again and again and again to live by these words.
What do you stand for? What are words or a mantra that you would like to live for? Choose it. Try it. Write it down. Repeat it to yourself again and again. Change it and update it when it needs updating but just like we set work targets, travel plans and life ambitions so too we absolutely should set moral targets to aim for, to embody..
Do let me know what you stand for.. I am intrigued.
Love to all
Zoe x