Chit Your Potatoes!

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Chit Your Potatoes!

It feels so good to have something to focus on in the garden and to feel the excitement of growing something again. So here is what you do once you have your seed potatoes. By the way I am using charlottes, they are similar to new potatoes. 

All seed potatoes especially earlies and second earlies will benefit from 'chitting' before planting to encourage strong shoots, fast growth, and heavier cropping. Seed potatoes are normally about the size of a chicken's egg, but often vary in size. Don't worry if yours are different sizes – they'll all grow equally well.

Chit your seed potatoes by setting them out in seed trays, shallow boxes or empty egg cartons like I have. You need to place the seed potatoes so that the roots are facing upwards. 

Then pop them in a cool, bright, frost-free position to allow them to sprout. I placed mine on the windowsill so they get the best light. 

Allow the 'chits' to grow to 25mm (1") in length. Rub off all but the three or four strongest chits before planting, or you'll end up with lots of potatoes, but they'll be very small.

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