Easy Fast Chicken Curry — Clodagh McKenna
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Easy Fast Chicken Curry


Watch Clodagh make this on ITV This Morning here

Serves 4


1 tbsp olive oil 

1 onion, diced

3 cloves of garlic 

1 tbsp fresh ginger, grated

2 tsp ground cumin 

2 tsp paprika

1 tsp garam masala

3 tbsp tomato puree 

200g / 1 cup natural yogurt

400ml / 2 cups chicken stock / broth, hot  

Juice of 1 lemon 

400g / 3 cups cooked chicken (shredded) 


1. Place a saucepan or casserole dish over a low heat and add the olive oil. Stir in the onion, garlic and ginger, cover and cook for two minutes. Next remove the lid and add the cumin, paprika, garam masala and tomato puree. Stir and cook for two minutes.

2. Stir in the yogurt, chicken stock and juice of the lemon. Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

3. Lastly add the cooked shredded chicken and stir well – cook for ten minutes.

4. If you are using raw chicken, cook them separately in the oven. Once cooked slice into shreds.

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