Introducing Zoe Warren


Zoe Warren, our brand new Glow Girl! Zoe from Peachy With Zoe, grew up in Galloway in Scotland which fuelled her love for hills, rain and places with no other people! After 10 years living and working in London she now lives in Hampshire with her young family and their dog. 

She has always been an active, outdoor person and her interest in wellness swelled when she began yoga in her early twenties. Over time she began to see the treasure trove that concisions breath, dynamic movement and embodied stillness could offer people and wanted to share this knowledge. She took the plunge and trained as a yoga teacher in 2010. This cracked open her thirst for more knowledge in all areas of wellness – yoga, anatomy, movement, meditation, philosophy, psychology, neurology, hormones, the list goes on…

Zoe completed her first full yoga teacher training with The Power Yoga Company in 2010 and is now continuously improving her knowledge and teachings of different wellbeing practices. Since 2010, Zoe has completed lots of other yoga and wellness trainings including but not limited to... Ana Forrest’s Advanced Yoga Teacher Training, Nadia Narain’s Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training, Rod Striker’s Para Yoga Kosha Teacher Training, Zephy Wildman's Anatomy Course and Namoni Absalom’s 6 month mentoring program Liberate.

Our new Glow Girl taught at The Power Yoga Company and the Harbour Club in London for over five years and has provided private classes for clients across London and Hampshire. Currently she teaches at the beautiful Amethyst Studio in Berkshire and intermittently at the heavenly Wasing Park. In addition, Zoe hosts online classes to audiences across the UK and more recently on a global level. She posts weekly videos online to support people in all areas of their well-being as well as teaching them how to incorporate wellness practises into their daily lives without the need to spend copious amounts of time doing so.

Zoe’s movement sessions are a mix of yoga, dance, movement, mindfulness and meditation with a great playlist. This makes it a fun and effective way of supporting yourself physically, energetically and emotionally, in your own home, in your own time. 

Zoe wants to share simple solutions of how we can ALL find more balance, energy and happiness in our day to day lives. She integrates the more inclusive and informative side of wellness into people’s lives so that we are all armed with more knowledge and then have the choice to make these changes in our lives.

Zoe is influenced by movement, music, culture and nature and other progressive thinkers.


I really hope you enjoy what I share to help you navigate life in your own wonderful way..


Zoe x

get the #cloglow

find out more and connect with zoe

GlowClodagh McKenna