5 Ingredients To Help You Glow!

Clodagh Mckenna | Short Read

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This is my face when I’m about to eat the smelliest (also healthiest) fork full of food... Which I will never do again (it was seaweed marinated in green tea).

BUT I love (slightly obsessed) eating / drinking ingredients that will give me a GLOW. Here are my top 5 that you can start this weekend πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ that won’t give you this expression.

Celery - helps reduce water retention, and inflammation. It’s also an anti-oxidant. So start chomping into them.

Pineapple - Pineapple contains a powerful enzyme called bromelain which can break down and help sweep away dead skin cells.

Lemon Juice - packed with Vitamin C which helps produce collagen, works as an antioxidant, as well as lots more. Squeeze it in to your water, green juice and over salads.

Greens - Both kale and spinach are rich in a variety of potent antioxidants that help reduce skin inflammation.

Oily Fish - Omega-3s and collagen help retain moisture in the skin, nourishing it from the inside out. Seafood is rich in both omega-3s and collagen. So pump up your diet with fish such as salmon and tuna at least twice a week will help lower your risk of dry, cracked skin!

Clo xx

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