My Day to Day Chicken Routine
My Day to Day Chicken Routine
Three weeks ago my six girls arrived – Burford Brown hens. It had been a dream of mine all my life to keep hens but I had yet to do it. It’s been a fast learning curve ever since they arrived. But it’s like anything, you learn as you go along, ask for advice and quickly get into a routine.
The minute I wake up I pop on my wellies and head out to let the chickens out of their hen house. As I walk closer they can hear me coming along so they start to yelp with excitement (well at least I hope that’s what the screeching is!). Once they are all out and foraging, I gather all the eggs (we are getting about 5 a day at the moment), bring them back into the house, wash them and cook up a few for breakfast. Then it’s back out to the hens and to clean out their house and get them set up for the day. All the hay from the roosting area gets put into our composting pile, and we replace it with fresh dry hay for the day and night ahead. The poo (sorry but they poo a lot!) gets cleaned out of the house – this is the most important thing to do as it will help stop any diseases. I also clean out their water and food dispensers and refill them.
They now are trained to go back into their house when the sun starts to set. It was very easy to train them, we had to keep them locked up in their house for 24 hours when they first arrived so that they knew this was their safe place. So no running around the garden trying to catch them, they are happy to be in their beds by the time it’s dark!
Read on here for what you need to start keep hens.